AccuVision Upgrade Program Update - Atlantic Potato Distributors

Month: November 2024
The AccuVision upgrade program is in full swing! Exeter Engineering is working with customers to upgrade their existing machines to the latest in presentation and optical grading technology. That means they get cutting edge technology without having to buy a new sorter!
We recently completed an upgrade for our friends at Atlantic Potato, up in New Brunswick, Canada. They’ve had an AccuVision for 11 years and were interested in upgrading the machine so they could use our ID Technology AI-powered grading suite. They didn’t have the space or need for a new facility, so we had to complete the work in their existing packing shed in tight quarters: only 37 inches of headroom above the side rail of the sorter!
Exeter Engineering techs got the job done. We’ve replaced camera box and installed new cameras and electrics throughout. We also upgraded the controls, with a new 27 inch touch-screen control station, running the latest ID Technology version, customized to Atlantic’s product. While we were at it, we replaced the cables and cable tracks as well as replacing all of the kickers on all 12 lanes of the AccuVision.
The results are in and Atlantic Potato tells us they are very happy indeed! They are seeing a significant jump in grading accuracy with ID Technology, especially with its ability to detect growth crack, green defects, and pressure bruising. Size and shape detection are also way up, and the new ID Technology interface is much easier to use, especially on the new, bigger touch-screen.
At Exeter Engineering, we treat our customers as family, and families don’t stop being family after you haven’t sold them something in a while. That’s one big reason we started the AccuVision Upgrade Program: to continue offering value to our customers throughout the lifetime of the equipment they buy from us.